Give Back to the World At Least What You Have Received

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Over the past ten years I have worked hard to make Wisconsin a better place for people who ride bicycles. Some of the many things I have done (and many of which I still do), include:

  • Sponsor highway clean up on a high bicycle traffic route;

  • Offer $500 attorney fee discount for any member of the Wisconsin Bike Federation or CalBike;

  • Sponsor of bike to work week where we give away coffee and treats on the bike paths

  • Volunteered my time as a board member and secretary of Free Bikes for Kids Madison where we give away about 1500 bikes and helmets to local children each year;

  • Past volunteer bike mechanic at Dream Bikes Madison where young kids can learn how to work on bikes;

  • Sponsor many local events and races including the Madison Marathon, Ride the Drive, triathlons, aquathons, Horribly Hilly and many others;

  • Volunteer my time and equipment (and purchase insurance) to plow the military ridge bicycle path during winter to make it safer for people who ride bicycles to ride during the winter months and stay off of roads when it is dark out early in the evening.

  • Met in person with legislators regarding bicycle specific proposed legislation;

  • Spoken to various bicycle related clubs (for free) to education people about bicycle safety and bicycle legal related issues;

  • Represented over five people who ride bicycles pro-bono (for free) because I wanted to make sure they were not taken advantage of;

  • Volunteered many times as a mock trial judge for high school students when they have a tournament at the Circuit Court in Madison;

  • Volunteered my time as a ride leader for the Capital Brewery Bike Club rides on Tues. and Thurs. nights throughout summer to try to create safe and fun rides with as little complaints as possible from other users of the roads;

  • Ride my bicycle as much as possible including with my dog and children in the box and encourage others to ride instead of drive;

  • Volunteered my time for six years as board member and secretary of the Wisconsin Bike Federation.