Does Wisconsin Require a Bicycle License or Permit?

People who ride bicycles in Wisconsin do not need to get a bicycle license or have a driver’s license. Some cities like Milwaukee allow people to voluntarily get a bicycle license/registration to help get their bike back if it is stolen. More info on Milwaukee bicycle license here. The Milwaukee license is free. Madison charges $10.00 and you can apply here:. Certain paths in Wisconsin do require a permit for people riding bicycles. A few examples include the Military Ridge State Trail, Badger State Trail, and Capital City Trail. The State Trail Pass is $20 per year of $4.00 per day. Those of you who like to hunt and fish will be happy to find it is included with your conservation patron license through the WI DNR.

Here is a link to Wisconsin’s current 43 state bicycle trails and listing of whether or not a trail pass is needed.

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